Heart Shaped Rocks From God


I officially have a new obsession. Looking for heart shaped rocks. Or letting them find me I should say. It all started when I arrived at my friend, Sara Thurman’s house one day and noticed a huge collection of them on her porch. “How did you find all of these?'“ “They just find me.” she replied. And in that moment, suddenly I wanted heart shaped rocks to find me too. At first I tried to “help” the rocks find me. I began walking with my head down everytime I took a walk or hike, but none found me. I prayed and asked God for a heart shaped rock even though it seemed like a silly thing to pray for. Still no heart shaped rocks came my way, only a triangular one that my family said looked more like a dorito than anything else. Then on the last day of a family trip this summer I took a small stroll down a beach nearby. The first thing I noticed was the beach was loaded with rocks. There had to be a rock waiting to “find me” somewhere on this rock wonderland. The first rock I found appeared to be the perfect heart, but upon digging it out of the sand was actually round and had no shape of a heart at all. As I walked on, the rocks I found got progressively more “heart-y” until finally BOOM! There it was at my feet! A little almost perfect heart shaped rock! That heart shaped rock was there just for me. God knew exactly when I would be walking that beach and tumbled that rock and placed it right at the very spot in front of me at the perfect time. I love how God not only orchestrates all the details in our lives but also loves us so much that he gives us even the smallest things such as little heart shaped rocks. Matthew 7:7-8


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